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Cryotherapy & Minor Surgery

At RPM Health Clinic in Leicestershire, we assess moles and skin lesions with dermoscope to rule out malignancy and ensure safe removal. If removed, they are sent for histopathology for confirmation of origin.

Moles and benign skin lesions removal

Treatment or removal of benign skin problems (sometimes called skin lesions) is usually simple and painless, and often takes just minutes.

As well as receiving first-class treatment at RPM Health Clinic, you’ll also benefit from personalised care that puts your wellbeing at the heart of your experience with us.

Contact us today to find out more about our range of surgical procedures for benign skin problems and start your five-star treatment journey.

Depending on your skin problem, you may be recommended one or more of the following treatments:

  • Freezing (cryotherapy), that uses liquid nitrogen to freeze and kill off your lesion. (Book Now) 

  • Hyfrecator treatment (electrocautery), that involves the tip of a probe which is heated up by an electric current and used to burn off a skin lesion. (Book Now) 

  • Scooping away (curettage), where your surgeon uses a spoon-shaped surgical instrument to gently scoop away your lesion. (Book Now) 

  • Partial removal (shave biopsy), with cuts across the base of your lesion so it’s level with your surrounding skin. (Book Now) 

  • Complete excision (excision biopsy), where the whole skin lesion is cut out and removed. (Book Now) 

Price list

0. Minor Surgery Initial Consultation in Person Inc Dermoscopy

£ 75

Cryotherapy of benign lesion (up to 3 lesions)

£ 90

Epidermoid Cyst Excision - On Body


Non Cancerous Skin Lesion removal ( Shave/curettage)

£ 250

Removal of Benign Lesion using Hyfrecator

£ 175

Single Skin Tag removal by Hyfrecator

£ 150

Follow Up Review After Minor Surgery or Intervention

£ 0

Price list

Skin Tag Removal ( Up to 5) using Hyfrecator

£ 225

Subcision treatment for acne scars

£ 250

Steroid injections into scars or acne cysts (per session)

From £ 120

Surgical excision Lipoma - Large

£ 400

Surgical excision Lipoma - Small

£ 300

Surgical excision of Mole or Skin Lesion

£ 300

Surgical Excision of Scalp Cyst

£ 400

Surgical excision of small epidermoid cyst

£ 250

Histopathology cost per sample

£ 150

Book your initial consultation for minor surgery now to discuss your needs and explore treatment options with our experienced medical team.


What is cryotherapy?
Cryosurgery is a highly effective treatment for a wide variety of benign (non-cancerous) skin problems. It is an effective treatment for warts and small skin tag removal using liquid nitrogen. Advantages of this technique are that it’s quick and there’s minimal risk of scarring or infection.

We are use innovative technology called FREEZPEN, which allow us to use a very fine freezing jet to target only problem areas, exposing them to sub-zero temperatures to remove or reduce the lesion, without damaging the surrounding healthy tissue. The treatment is fast and effective.

What types of lesion can be treated with cryotherapy?

Cryotherapy can be used for:

  • Intradermal lesions

  • Skin tags

  • Age spots

  • Cherry angioma spots

  • Milia

  • Seborrheic keratosis/ warts

  • Warts and Verrucae

  • Solar keratosis

  • Dermatofibroma

  • Pyogenic granuloma

  • Sebaceous hyperplasia

What to expect with cryotherapy?
Liquid nitrogen is extremely cold. When sprayed on your skin, the top skin layer rapidly freezes. When you leave, the freezing site will probably be red and swollen, and it may sting and itch as it thaws. Expect the site to look worse over the next few days before it gets better. Swelling and/or blistering often develop within a couple of hours after treatment. 2-3 days after treatment a scab will probably form which will then take 7-10 days to fall off, leaving a pink smooth area.
How long does it take to see results?
From our experience some patients will see some results in 10 – 14 days, however depending on the type of lesion and the person’s immune system it can take 4- 6 weeks to see full result.
How should the treated area be cared for?
Aim to keep the treated areas dry for 24 hours. You can then wash the areas gently and pat dry with a soft towel or tissue. A petroleum jelly (such as Vaseline®) can be applied daily to help the area heal and prevent crusting. It is important not to pick the scab as this will encourage scarring. A dressing or plaster is not usually necessary but may be advisable if the treated area is likely to be knocked or rubbed by clothing.
Will I need more then one treatment session?
Most lesions will only need one treatment. However, some of your warts may require follow up therapy. Your practitioner will inform you how many treatments may be needed before starting your treatment.

We are NOT able to provide any complementary treatments.

Does cryotherapy hurt?
Not really. It depends on the type of lesion. When thicker lesions are treated you may not feel anything, however, when flat lesions are treated you may feel a short burst of cold and slight discomfort on the affected area (similar to holding an ice cube on your skin), but this will only last for a few seconds. Cryotherapy doesn’t require local anaesthetic or numbing creams.

You may feel some discomfort following treatment for several hours which is expected and desired as it means treatment has take effect.

Cryotherapy & Minor surgery Videos


See videos of real patients and minor surgery and cryotherapy intervention for treatment of precancerous and superficial cancerous lesions and also skin tag removal.

WARNING : Contains the sight of blood and needles

Hyfrecator treatment

What is Hyfrecator treatment?
Also sometimes referred to as a cautery or electrocautery treatment has proven highly effective as a minimally invasive option for removing skin lesions caused by a range of common conditions.

A small electrosurgical needle is used under local anaesthesia which will leave a clean wound that will heal quickly.

Hyfrecator is very similar to laser treatment in how it treats the lesions. The hyfrecator technology destroy unwanted tissue in a controlled and precise way.

The tip of the treating probe remains at room temperature, however the heat is generated by tissue resistance to the passage of high frequency electricity. Furthermore, it is an extremely targeted procedure and thus does not affect or burn the surrounding normal tissue.

What is the difference between hyfrecator and cryotherapy treatment?
In contrast to cryotherapy, local anaesthesia must be used, however it has a much quicker effect and most of the time only one session is needed. Clearance of lesion is over 90%.
What lesion can be treated with Hyfrecator?

· Skin Tags

· Milia

· Cherry Angiomas

· Sebaceous Hyperplasia

· Seborrheic Keratosis

· Broken blood vessels

· Fibromas

How should the treated area be care for?

Immediately following the procedure, an antibiotic ointment or white pertolatum is applied to the area, which is then covered with a dressing.

The patient is given instructions that they must follow at home in order to take care of the wound. These include the following:

  • Keep the area dry by not washing it for 24 to 48 hours, to enable the healing process to begin

  • After this time, gentle soap and water can be used to cleanse the area

  • Vaseline can be applied twice daily to any areas on the face and scalp and once daily to other parts of the body

  • A plaster with antibiotic ointment or white petrolatum may be applied daily, but this is not usually necessary

  • Once the scab has healed, wear clothing that protects the skin from the sun and a sunscreen with a SPF of at least 30

Depending on the size, location, and how deep the lesion penetrated, it may take up to three weeks for it to heal.

You can watch video of three benign lesions
treated with Hyfrecator after shave excision

Warning : contains the sight of blood & needles

Lipoma removal

What is Lipoma?
A Lipoma is a soft, fatty lump that grows under the skin. It is harmless and can usually be left alone.

Lipomas can occur on any area of skin where there are fat cells. They are usually seen on the shoulders, neck, chest, arms and back. Their range can be from the size of a pea to very large sizes and they usually grow slowly. The largest Lipoma Dr Kittel has ever seen was the size of a child’s head.

About one in 100 people develop a Lipoma, so they are fairly common. Patients often have one or 2, sometimes many more. Few patients have a larger number, because they may have an inherited condition called familial Lipomatosis.

How is a Lipoma removed?

Lipoma removal surgery is usually straightforward because Lipomas are fatty lumps that are often sitting just under the skin. Some Lipomas can prove more challenging because they large or located deeper.

Local anaesthesia will be administered to ensure pain free procedure.

Skin cyst removal

Epidermoid cyst on the body

Epidermoid cysts, sometimes wrongly called sebaceous cysts, are benign lesions commonly found on the neck, back, chest and shoulders. They may contain liquid or semi-liquid material made from skin keratin, known as a key element that is responsible for skin, nails.

Pilar cyst from scalp

This benign growth can develop in 10% of population growing from hair follicles. Some people have a genetic predisposition to getting them. They present clinically with smooth, fleshy coloured lumps to the scalp, face or neck.

Our skin is constantly producing new skin cells and getting rid of old ones. Typically, old skin cells stop multiplying and fall off our skin’s surface. However, they can get trapped under your skin’s epidermis, or top layer, where they keep on multiplying. At the same time, your scalp is creating keratin, a protein that makes skin, hair and nail cells. These old skin cells and new keratin cells combine to create layer after layer of cells. Over time, and many layers later they create pilar cysts. These cysts push up your outer skin, which is when is becoming noticeable.


If it doesn’t cause discomfort or cosmetic problems, it can be left alone with no treatment. However, if you for any reason would like to have it removed do not hesitate to book for your initial assessment and consultation to discuss your options.

If a cyst is inflamed or infected, initial treatment with antibiotics and delay of surgery is more appropriate. Although, if necessary, incision and drainage can be performed, the complete cyst capsule removed. Follow up surgery will be necessary otherwise the cyst will return.

This minor surgery is done under local anaesthesia. We will do our best to minimise it, but there will be an appropriate size/ length of scar left where excision was made, which if no complications occur will fade to some level over the time.

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