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Isotretinoin (Roaccutane/Accutane) Treatment for Acne

While there are many treatment options available for acne, oral isotretinoin ( roaccutane) is one of the most effective treatments for severe and chronic acne and preventing further scarring

Our Isotretinoin (Roaccutane) treatment services in RPM Health Clinics in Leicestershire & Warwickshire will help you to feel good in your skin.

Isotretinoin (Roaccutane/Accutane) Acne Treatment 

Isotretinoin (Roaccutane) is an oral retinoid used to treat severe and chronic forms of acne in adults and young people over 12 years of age. This acne treatment is very effective in preventing further scarring.

Patients no longer have to wait 12 – 18 months for NHS appointments or risk ordering from online pharmacies.

Our Isotretinoin (Roaccutane) service offers a full medical consultation for the treatment of severe acne which has not responded to other conventional treatments, including antibiotics. Your suitability for this prescription only treatment, alongside other adjunctive or alternative acne treatments will be discussed during a consultation with our clinician

How Isotretinoin (Roaccutane/Accutane) works in Acne Treatment 

Isotretinoin (Roaccutane) shrinks the sebaceous glands’ size, so producing less oil or sebum. It also has anti-inflammatory effects. Pores thus stop clogging, the growth and frequency of Cutibacterium acnes or C. acnes slows down, inflammation is reduced, and acne activity including pustule development is stopped.

Under professional oversight of our dermatology specialist Isotretinoin (Roaccutane)is the fastest, most effective, and longest lasting treatment available for severe acne in patients who have not responded to other acne treatments, including the use of antibiotics. Because it limits sebum production, it generally lessens the greasiness of the skin by clearing inflammation, stopping new inflammation, lowering the formation of closed comedones (whiteheads) and open comedones (blackheads), so reducing cyst formation, papules, pustules, and nodules.



3 Reasons to choose us

Dedicated Expertise

Our dermatology specialist is passionate about transforming skin health. Understanding that each person’s skin is unique, we tailor your Isotretinoin (Roaccutane) treatment to fit your specific needs and lifestyle, enhancing effectiveness and minimizing side effects, making your path to clear skin as smooth as possible.

Person Centred Care and Relationship

You’re never just another patient. We provide ongoing support and care, ensuring you feel comfortable and informed throughout your Isotretinoin (Roaccutane) treatment, addressing all your concerns personally.

You will have access to dedicated WhatsApp to  contact you clinician if needed.


One Stop Clinic

By choosing  RPM Health you will receive all your consultations and blood tests  during the same appointment. Your medication will be delivered to your address. No need to take extra days of work or from your busy life.


How effective is Isotretinoin for acne?

After five months of treatment, studies have shown that for almost 80 to 90% of people, inflamed acne counts will drop by 95%. This really has what meaning?

Well, someone who has 20 inflamed (raised and red) spots on their face at the start of treatment might expect to have one or two inflamed spots at the end of the five-month course.
On the other hand, after five months of treatment, someone who reports twenty new spots per week should expect to get one or two new spots per week.

While taking isotretinoin, a considerable number of people will still develop sporadic spots even if some people will have perfect control over their spots. Usually, these areas are less severe, smaller, and less frequent though.

When is Isotretinoin used for acne?

Isotretinoin is administered when

Most forms of acne are extremely severe, including cystic and nodular acne.
Acne is a widespread condition, as evidenced by the extensive acne on the trunk.
Scarring is the result of acne.
Post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation is the result of acne.
Acne that persists despite antibiotic therapy
Hormonal acne that is challenging to manage through conventional methods
Excessive psychological distress due to acne

Does Isotretinoin cure acne for good?

Isotretinoin is one of the few medications that can provide prolonged control of acne for many years after the treatment course has concluded, and in some cases, it is a permanent cure, according to the majority of dermatologists. The absence of very long-term studies to demonstrate the number of individuals who are cured makes it difficult to determine an exact figure.

Our experience indicates that, in the long term, adults over the age of 18 may experience the following outcomes following a course of Isotretinoin:

One -third  of individuals can anticipate that their acne will not recur.
One -third of individuals can anticipate that their acne will recur at some point, albeit at a much milder state that can be managed with topical treatments.
One -third of individuals can anticipate that their acne will regress to a state that is comparable to that which existed prior to the administration of Isotretinoin.

What are side effects of Isotretinoin (Roacuttane ) acne treatment?

Lip dryness.  Noted first as a side effect is this one Applying a lip balm every two or three hours (or more often if they get very dry) and avoiding licking the lips help to control this. Saliva causes the lips to become ironically more dry and chaffing prone. Looking at lip balms, Vaseline, Blistex Intensive Moisturiser, Burt’s Beeswalk Lip Balm and Dr Lipp’s Original Nipple Balm. Other advised products are Aquaphor Soothing Skin Balm, Carmex, and O’Keeffe’s Lip Repair Balm.
Nose  dryness. Nose bleeds and itching can follow from this. At least three times daily and more if very dry, dab Vaseline or Aquaphor Soothing Skin Balm inside the nose. If you have hay fever or a dust allergy that causes an itchy nose anyway, then minimise your contact to dust and pollen and take daily antihistamines to help.
Dry skin.  Your skin will become too sensitive to all topical acne treatments, thus you will have to stop them while on isotretinoin. Steer clear of anything abrasive on your skin, including bubble baths, soaps, gel, scrubs, loofas. For dry skin, use a mild soap substitute; Cerave Moisturising Lotion, Cetaphil Lotion (note: not the cleanser, the lotion) or Dermol 500. These products will hydrate your skin as they cleanse, not later or bubble. Unless your hands are obviously dirty or you must wash them for virus prevention, which in which case you should first use soap then Dermol 500. Three times a day you should also apply a non-comedogenic moisturiser. For dry skin, use a light product during the daytime, such Cerave Moisturising Lotion. At night, a heavier product like Epaderm Ointment or Cerave Moisturising Cream for Dry Skin, together with Cetaphil Lotion, Aveeno Lotion or Cerave Lotion. You will also need to use the heavier product during the day if your skin gets quite dry. If you are looking for a Vegan product, give Sukin Oil-Free Moisturiser some thought.
Red eyes and dry eye conditions. Try not to wear contact lenses; at least four times a day and more if needed, use artificial tears. Xailin Night lubricating eye ointment is for nighttime use; products to think about for daily use are Thealoz Duo Eye drops or Visu XL drops. If you are constantly red-eyed, you should let your doctor know; you might have to visit a specialist eye clinic.
Dryness in the vagina. Using vaginal hydrating products like YES VM consistently?from once every three days to daily (or more)? dependent on the degree of dryness will help this.
Aches and pains. Stiffness, aches and pains, can all be brought on by isotretinoin Especially common is low back pain. Usually mild, these can be controlled with sporadic paracetamol intake. Tell your doctor if they are rather severe. While on isotretinoin, you will want to avoid vigorous exercise or beginning a first-time fitness program. Intense cardio like rowing for thirty minutes and weight lifting constitute part of strenuous exercise. Muscle breakdown can result from very intense exercise. If you are highly athletic, schedule to have isotretinoin outside of season.
One gets headaches. Early on in an Isotretinoin course, mild headaches are rather common. A rare side effect of isotretinoin is severe headaches that worsen in the morning, linked with nausea and vomiting, and get worse with coughing and sneezing; treatment must thus be stopped immediately and a neurological review is needed. Before beginning Isotretinoin, medications including Doxycycline, Oxytetracycline and Lymecycline must be stopped to lower the likelihood of this rare side effect.
Severe damage to a foetus. While on isotretinoin or for one month following a course of treatment, women cannot become pregnant. This is so because isotretinoin raises miscarriage risk and causes severe birth abnormalities. Women of childbearing age should use either two less effective forms of birth control?the pill and condoms or one very effective form?the intra-uterine coil device or the hormonal implant. Appreciating that any contraceptive method can fail means that even with these strategies in place, there is a rather small risk of pregnancy. Before beginning Isotretinoin, you should get advice on contraception from your GP, a private gynaecologist or a private family planning clinic to guarantee you are using suitable techniques.

Can taking low dose over longer period of time reduce side effects?

Many studies have shown that lower daily doses of Isotretinoin can also effectively control acne, while patients experience fewer and milder side effects. Low-dose Isotretinoin courses must be longer in order to achieve sufficient sebaceous gland shrinkage to reduce the risk of recurrence after discontinuation.

How much does it cost?
  • £ 75 Single Mole or Lesion Assessment

  • £ 120 Up to 5 Moles or Skin Lesions Assessment

  • £ 200 Full Body Moles and Skin lesions Check ** RECOMMENDED **

  • £ 200 Skin, Mole, Lesion Biopsy (when there is diagnostic uncertainty)

Price list

Initial Isotretinoin (Roaccutane) Treatment Consultation

£ 150

Follow up /Monthly Review Consultation

£ 100

Including pregnancy test

Initial Blood Test Assessment

£ 150

Including Venepuncture 

Blood test follow up assessment

£ 100

Including Venepuncture 

6 months cost of medication supply

£ 350

Including delivery. Price calculated based on generic medication. Branded Roaccutane medication will be about 40% more expensive.

Total Cost of 6 Months Treatment

£ 1450

Including all consultations, monthly pregnancy tests, 4 blood tests and cost of medication with delivery.

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